
Why Planners Are For Winners

Each week of the year is a component part, that collectively makes up your whole life. How deliberately are you planning each week?

Have you ever done any travelling? What was involved? How much effort did you put into the planning?

Are you applying the same amount of planning with your life that you did with your travel plans? Why? – Why not!

With planning comes clarity. Because you have to sequence the process of getting from A to Z, it becomes clear if your planning will achieve the desired objective.

Have you ever tried to create your own 5-year plan or even a 3 year or 1 year plan? It is a very interesting activity to undertake. And quite confronting. Mainly because you don’t know where to start. You have so many options in the beginning. Never fear, just do a brain dump and write down everything that comes to mind. From there you can start to give all those ideas some structure.

If you have a ‘5200 – My Ultimate Life Chart’ it is a simple matter of ticking off the week when you want a particular event to occur. From there your planning starts. Reverse engineer the desired outcome back to today, calculate the steps from A to Z. Goal accomplished.

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You MUST understand this. Before all else… You MUST understand this. It is foundational to

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